Taiwan B&B

Guest Reviews

牡丹老房有着閑樸古韻的味道,屋苑內風格雅緻,加上不少書藏,更添詩意,還有許多細節擺設可見主人用心,得以體驗真正的逸居生活。 而敞開屋門即可見清山雲煙的悠揚氣息及聽聞溪水的淙流悅樂,享受到山林的自然恬靜。 入住當天很幸運與房主見面,對我十分熱情招呼和款待,實在感動!還另有提供充足的備品,更感受到他的慷慨友善! 此外他也是個旅遊達人,豐富的行腳經驗跟地理資訊,想知道什麼私房景點,問他準沒錯! 誠心推薦的房源,此地一遊不可錯過的優質好宅~ 

町淮 / Kaohsiung City

I went for the four day weekend in April and it was so nice! Jiufen has lots of stairs, so this Airbnb does too. But everything else was perfect. It’s about a 5 minute walk to the heart of Jiufen Old Street, and a 10 minute walk from the bus stop. She brings you breakfast every morning at 8am which is really helpful for a lazy person like me. Her English is amazing and she keeps great contact. The place is sparkling clean and well decorated. I wish I lived here. It was a great place and made my weekend very nice.

Tiyana / CA, USA

Taroko is a wonderful host. He picked me up at the A8 Taoyuan metro station and dropped me off there when I left. The wifi is fast enough to watch videos. Neighbors were never noisy. Taroko and his family took me out to eat twice — his two daughters are quite cute although a little noisy 😀 I had trouble finding stamps for some postcards — Taroko was more than helpful in figuring out how much money needed to be on each postcard, and took me to the office to send them off when they were ready. The bathroom is shared but I never had issues with other people using it when I needed to. For the price, this is probably the best value during my trip in Taiwan where I stayed at 7 different Airbnb locations.

Joshua / AZ, USA

簡單乾淨的小屋,離車站很近,旁邊就是鐵道,鐵道迷值得一訪,離附近景點都可藉由火車接駁, 房東夫妻非常親切,讓我在年節期間的獨旅有了滿滿的溫暖,房東非常了解東北角,會提供很多建議及景點,非常樂意再回訪的房源💗

Shihhan / 台南市

我們家很喜歡鐵道…不管是發呆看火車,或是搭火車旅行,常常是我們安排旅行的選項。這次住宿的牡丹老宅非常符合我們的喜好,孩子很開心在屋裡就可以聽到火車經過的聲音(雖然可能對有些人來說有點吵)。夜晚可以聽到窗外各種蟲鳴蛙叫。是一次很棒的住宿經驗 😀

Yi-Hsin / -

房源很新 很乾淨 雙面採光超好 廁所跟房間都有一整片大窗戶 早上可以被陽光叫醒 超級舒服😍😍 樓下就是7-11 超級方便 半夜肚子餓直接下樓就可覓食😆😆 電視有Netflix youtube Disney可看超讚的 / 美中不足的地方 因為房源靠馬路 早上隔音比較不好 會被路上的車子吵醒 但晚上完全不會 非常安靜 這次住宿的體驗非常棒 很像回到自己的家那樣舒服 房東人也非常nice 很客氣🥰 有機會一定會在回來住🥰

Win / Taipei City

By far one of my favorite AirBnb’s I’ve stayed at in East Aisa! The location is incredible, and Diana is an amazing host! She was very kind, gave great instructions and tips, and the accommodation was wonderful. Would highly recommend if you plan on visiting Jiufen! 

Jonathan / USA


佳卉 / TW